It looks bad but…

My web site went a bit odd πŸ˜‰ So I need to spend some time getting it back into shape, I was alerted to the fact things were a bit odd this morning and when I popped along to check the theme I was using had imploded (I don’t know how but some of the relevant files were no longer where I left them.) The positive point is I did not like the website design anyway so this gives me a good opportunity to create a site I like πŸ™‚…

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Just call me Wonko.

Today I know how John Watson felt the first time he saw the instructions on the correct use of a toothpick. John had the good sense to change his name to ‘Wonko the Sane’ upon seeing the detailed printed instructions on the packet of toothpicks; he saw the need for the instructions as a sign that our civilization had finally gone mad. So he changed his name, to show he was indeed still sane and then built an asylum to keep everyone in. Wonko had been until today just another…

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I’ve been writing a very small piece of text now for what feels like a stupid length of time. Normally if I decide to write something I just get on and do it, this time I’ve been distracted at every turn. This time however I have found the distractions an inspiration rather than an annoyance, the dry and somewhat musty text I was writing has become much more personal, it’s almost a biography of inspiration (which I imagine is a phrase that makes little sense to anyone). I’m not sure…

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