
Here is the best explanation I can give for my “Stranger” blog. As most people who have read my blog before will know I work from time to time in signal boxes up and down the Eden Valley, they’re the traditional style that spring to mind when you think of signal boxes – so, with one exception, they’re all surrounded on three sides by windows that reach almost floor to ceiling. These windows have a strange negative side to them, once darkness falls you are surrounded on three sides by…

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There he is, lurking in the shadows, bordering just on my field of view. I glance behind me, and there he is again, familiar in so many ways yet still a stranger. His eyes bore into me, is it with accusation or confusion, it’s hard to know. I step forward to get a better look at the stranger, almost out of view a light flickers to my right and I turn quickly. Suddenly he is standing in front of me, moving from left to right in an instance. After the…

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