The Arrow

Whilst out for a bit of a wander this morning I noticed this lump of stone beside the lane, now I’ve walked along this lane nearly every day for a decade or so and never noticed the markings on top of the stone –

Now to me, and probably no one else, I immediately spotted an arrow pointing off into the next field. This triggered a few things in my mind, but mainly it started me thinking about who may have carved an arrow in the stone and why. Now, a few hours later the nucleus of a short story is bubbling away somewhere in that grey matter I tend to pass off as a brain 😉

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2 Thoughts to “The Arrow”

  1. Tobi

    You obviously came across a genuine stone-age arrow. Early experiments our ancestors pertook shooting these quite cumbersome arrows failed miserably, and the subsequent discovery of using stone only for the _tip_ of the arrow proved one of humanitys most groundbraking inventions.

    1. But those archers were certainly strong in those days 😉

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