
There was a fair amount of moisture in the air this morning, and what I had hoped would be wisps of mist in the valley turned out to be thick fog in places. Still after a few false starts (stopping the car as the view looked promising only to discover it wasn’t worth the effort ;-)) I managed a couple of misty sunrise images and some dew covered grass shots.

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Switching Off

I have a fairly regular morning wander routine:- phone in pocket, hat on, camera at the ready, and of course my mp3 player on the go. This morning was no different, I wandered down the lane, clambered over a gate and down the hill into a small wood, all the while accompanied by La Tarantella. It was I must admit a pleasant start, but I started to realize as I looked for the right photograph that I was feeling disconnected from the wood, something was missing. Then, as I stood…

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When I was out wandering with the dog this morning the sky was perfect, a nice strong blue with the odd cloud dotted about. So, when I had to go to the post office a short while later I decided to extend the journey a little and take some photographs while I was out. Getting in the car the sky was showing less blue and more cloud but still looked good. Twenty minutes later it was cloud as far as I could see, so I sat for a moment and…

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