It’s Chilly

We had a quick run out this morning, it was the first really frosty morning of the season :-/ so it took us a while to get the car frost free. Anyway, we stopped for a few photographs along the way… I also took a large panoramic… Then I focussed on a few leaves.   And while I’m posting leaf photographs, here’s one from yesterday.

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The Arabian Knight

I should start by saying I’ve been under the weather since the weekend, coughing fits, breathless, dizzy… great fun really πŸ˜‰ anyway I couldn’t settle sitting doing nothing at all but wasn’t fit to do any real work :-/ so I decided to finish of my Arabian Knight painting – it obviously took me two hours to paint one rock as I either had to stop and cough up a lung or wait while my nose stopped running. Anyway, here’s the Arabian Knight – Mainly gouache on watercolour board with…

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After dark & before the dawn

Decided to take the camera to work last night and snapped a couple of shots from the balcony… A few hours later and I made another attempt at photographing Comet Ison as it was well above the horizon yet still stuck in the murk of Appleby’s light pollution. It took a bit of squinting at the screen but now I see it I know what to look for on the other shots πŸ˜‰ Finally on my way home, bleary eyed, I stopped to take a photo of the Moon as…

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Dawn silliness

As I wandered round the fields with Hugo this morning I decided it would be fun to take a large panoramic πŸ˜‰ Of course when I was back home stitching it together I thought it would be fun to play around with it a bit… As I was looking at this polar shot on the screen I decided that it would make a good eye… There’s a zoomable version of the panoramic here.

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