Death of Smaug

I was sketching dragons again recently, well I often sketch dragons but this time there was a purpose, the theme of the month over at for December was Dragons. As a certain dragon was on my mind with the Desolation of Smaug hitting the silver screen* I ended up wondering how Smaug would look after the black arrow had done its job 😉 This was a fun dragon to work on, well any character from Tolkien is fun to attempt – rather than use traditional medium I worked in…

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Wandering Wizard

This painting is something of a departure from what I had intended to paint, but then when you are painting something for a wandering theme a slight departure is to be expected. Anyway, the other day I was sitting reading a few pages of Lord of the Rings – the section where Gandalf leads Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli into Meduseld, and I had a clear idea what I had to paint. It’s strange really, whenever I paint something from Tolkien I want to include all the details I see in…

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Where’s all this grit then?

I was amused to read an article in the News & Star earlier that according to Andrew Moss, the council’s assistant director of highways, they have topped up the 10,000 grit bins and roadside grit piles. Funny that, we’ve been asking for the grit piles on our road to be topped up for weeks and our requests have fallen on deaf ears. The hill down past our lane looks more like the Cresta Run these days than a road, and we’d probably be better off buying a toboggan than wasting…

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