Well then…

A few days ago I noticed my website was no longer online, at first I thought they were doing work on the server or they had issues of some sort. Then I noticed that it was only my website which was missing, or more precisely the directory where my website usually resided was no longer there. After a mild session of cursing and some rather colourful language I did some digging. Not only was the directory missing but all the logs which I’d normally trawl through to see who had…

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W. N. Hodgson – Website

This week I’ve been working on a bit of web design, it’s a site for a book ‘Climb Black Sail For Me’ based on the far too brief a life of W. N. Hodgson. It was a fun site to work on, especially trying to create a pen and ink map for the header – actually it was one of those ideas that comes to you and you have to stop everything else until you’ve tried it out πŸ˜‰ glad I did now. Hopefully the website will spark plenty of…

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Website in development….

This is still a work in progress, one day it’ll be completed though πŸ˜‰ All the pieces of building a website appear fairly easy, if not a logical a..b…c…. however it’s knowing what b. means and why it has to come after a. that makes the difference. Creating a site that is visually appealing is not too difficult, creating one that’s both visually appealing and functional is a different matter πŸ˜‰

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