Would you beleaf it?

Wandering round the garden this morning (after the fun job of cleaning out the chickens) and I started to pick up a few leaves. I wasn’t cleaning the garden or anything as radical as that, I was picking up any leaf that caught my eye. Returning to the house my intention was to take a few macro photographs of the leaves for a bit of fun πŸ˜‰ however when I lay them on the table I decided to photograph them as they were – As I was photographing them I…

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Leaf by Graeme

I was thinking of this painting while I was down in the wood earlier and scanned through my posts here to find it and couldn’t. So, here’s an old painting (well 2007) along with the poem that went with it. And here is the poem… LEAF BY GRAEME If I could choose a leaf to paint I’d paint a Leaf by Niggle It wouldn’t be a sketchy scrawl It wouldn’t be a squiggle But with veins and pores and chlorophyl A stem and ribs and branch It would have a…

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Morning Mist, Leaves & General Distractions

This morning I went for a wander with the dog and the camera fully intending to take some reference photographs of horses. As I wandered along the lane I became more and more distracted with the mist and the leaves and the way the moisture clung to everything. I did take a horse photograph but it was in the end a distraction to the magic that mist can create.

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