The Elydoric Graminoid Adroitness Contrivance

Everyone wonders how some artists and illustrators paint grass so well. Okay, not everyone, a few folk do anyway. There’s even guides on how to paint grass (link) for those of us who can’t figure it out (or even do it with a guide). But the truth which all these artist and illustrators who can realistically paint grass don’t tell you is they use a machine. The Elydoric Graminoid Adroitness Contrivance was invented in 1983 by John Howe and he’s kept it hidden for years locked away in his attic…

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There was a fair amount of moisture in the air this morning, and what I had hoped would be wisps of mist in the valley turned out to be thick fog in places. Still after a few false starts (stopping the car as the view looked promising only to discover it wasn’t worth the effort ;-)) I managed a couple of misty sunrise images and some dew covered grass shots.

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