As the song goes….

….to light the night for our delight πŸ˜‰ We saw the alerts that there was quite a bit of solar activity which may give us a nice aurora display, popped outside and could see activity with the naked eye which is unusual, after a while we could start to see colour forming which is really unusual for us to see with naked eye. The best display we’ve seen to date.

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I was half dozing last night, the fire was crackling and hissing as the logs slowly burned and I was pondering an early night. Then Julie pointed out there was an Aurora alert and quite a lot of talk on Twitter about it being a ‘good one’ πŸ˜‰ so I wandered outside expecting to see cloud – which is normal whenever there’s an Aurora alert. For once however the sky was fairly clear and I tried a couple of snaps from the lane, it looked interesting enough to bundle a…

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Stars, Planets, and a bit of Aurora

I set off to work a few minutes early this morning so I could take a couple of photographs. I’d been reading reports of the aurora borealis when I woke and decided to try and spot some (I’d have stayed up to watch it during the night but I need my beauty sleep before a long day at work ;-)). The aurora wasn’t really visible to the naked eye when I got to the car park, though every now and then I caught a glimpse. Venus however looked really bright…

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