Another Tolkien themed illustration, this time it’s the Old Forest 😉
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There’s a passage in LotRs that’s always appealed to me as a possible one to attempt as an illustration, and whilst there are a few bits of this attempt that I like it still needs some work for me to think of it as finished. That, or I just need to try again 😉 For those wondering the text this is based on comes from the Fellowship of the Ring, book 2, chapter 2, The Council of Elrond… And this I will say to you, Boromir, ere I end. Lonely…
Read MoreDurin’s Stone
Working towards a Durin’s Stone/Mirrormere painting, I enjoyed Celebdil, Fanuidhol, Caradhras (though one wasn’t as defined as I wanted it to be ;-)). The Dimrill Stair was somewhere I could have spent a week or two, then the foreground was a bit of a trial. The reflection in Mirrormere was put in using Photoshop in the end and I also added a bit of mist at that point. Looking forward to trying this scene in a larger format in oil, though I need to sketch Durin’s Stone a few more times…
Read MoreStill searching
I’ve been looking for Weathertop for a while now, trying to get the landscape fixed in my mind so I can then get it down on paper. After one or two (actually a few more) sketches I thought I’d try a colour study. So, here’s my latest attempt at Weathertop…
Read MoreLeaving Bag End
I came up with this idea of painting scenes from J. R. R. Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings with the night sky as it would actually appear on that date and time, so I went through LOTRs and marked up all the references to when the night sky was visible, there’s quite a few references 😉 Anyway, I decided for the first illustration to work out how the sky would have looked as the left Bag End, then I painted the scene – the sky took far too long, then,…
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