
“The light looks good on the Pennines….” I look up from my iPad, pausing a game bookmarking the quantum field theory article for later, and look out the window. Julie was right, the last rays before the Sun started to set were hitting a small patch of the Pennines and I pushed my digital distraction aside and pulled out the camera bag all the while glancing at the view out of the window.  As I open the camera bag the light changes, and the hills are almost lost in shadow,…

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Change of plan

I had planned on going further afield this morning but in the end I found myself wandering round the field next to the house stumbling over the frozen ground. One of the ideas for a photograph didn’t work out at all but I did like the silhouetted trees – Then I looked towards the Pennines – Finally I was watching a couple of planes flying over, and liked the way it looked in the morning light –

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