Time being what it is, in short supply and something that vanishes in the blink of an eye, I was rather pleased to find a few minutes to take the camera for a jaunt down Ullswater way.
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In Reflection
In reflection it was a pleasant morning to have a trip around Ullswater. The reflections on the outward journey from Pooley Bridge were excellent, it’s not often you see the lake with reflections so perfect…
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We had a run down Ullswater way fairly early on as the weather looked good and with it being a Sunday the roads would soon get busy, it was lucky we did set off early as the reflections were looking particularly clear. We then continued on to Hallin Fell for a wander. And of course Hugo was happy to be out in the Fells again 😉
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This morning I noticed the Moon looked nice over the fells so I took the camera and tripod down to Ullswater. It was getting fairly low when I reached the lake but I managed a few shots before it vanished.
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