In the quiet of the world

Tangents are quite interesting at times, and also quite frustrating. A while ago I started to think what the view would be from Bilbo’s front door if you reversed the Shire map (by Tolkien)… This of course led me to the illustration by Tolkien of the Hill… Which of course meant I needed to know how those buildings would look from the other side, the easiest solution of course is to do a quick mock up in 3D… In the end, sitting doodling was an easier solution to getting the…

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Windows 21…

This month’s theme over on John Howe’s website is ‘A Room with a View’… After all the many months of confinement, semi-confinement and other lockdowns, have you ever found yourself staring out the window and imagining a different vista? (Not that there is necessarily wrong with that familiar view, mind you, but a little variety would be nice.) So, this is your chance. Imagine where you are, imagine a window, then imagine the view. Perhaps it’s a view on the past, or the future, or another world… You’ll see… For…

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