Today I decided to play with type, I’d had some text in mind for a while but didn’t have the right background for it. Thankfully today I managed a couple of photographs before the Sun came up one of which fit the bill quite nicely. So I tweaked the photograph, trimmed it to size, and then started playing with type. After a few false starts I was getting somewhere and in the end was fairly happy with the result, then I decided to check the text….. Not a problem, it’s…
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It Came From Space…
….well, actually it came from the garden centre last year, but after photographing the centre of this Poppy I twiddled and tweaked it in Photoshop and the result was something not quite of this World, maybe π And just to prove I do take normal flower photographs…
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Oh yes, there was a landscape too π Yesterday I was having problems, nothing serious, but I was struggling to take a photograph to Blip. I took a few photographs on our morning walk but when I looked at them on screen none of them were any good. I took a cobweb, but there was no spider in it and the light wasn’t exciting; I took some shafts of light in the wood, but when I looked at the results it was a dark mush of nothing; my photographs of…
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