I missed the mist

I set off early this morning after dropping Julie off at work and went in search of some mist filled valleys. For a bit of a change I headed towards Ullswater but the mist wasn’t inspiring (or even there in some places) so I took a quick shot of a duck coming in to land πŸ˜‰ then moved on. Undecided which way to go I headed off towards Martindale as it was a long time since I’d been that way and went for a wander up a fell πŸ™‚ Any…

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Before the dawn by Ullswater

There is something to be said for get up at stupid times of the day (or night in this case). So, at 0430hrs I was loading the camera gear in the car and hoping the cloud would vanish from in front of the Moon. As I approached Ullswater the cloud had completely covered the Moon, and I was about to turn around when I decided to stop the car and stand by the lake for a while. I’m glad I did, all I could hear was the water lapping against…

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