Being a bit nerdy at times I decided to make a colour graph of the temperature recordings we’d taken over the year, for each day the colour graduates between the maximum and minimum temperature recorded, the barometric reading for the days has been overlayed. As it’s a bit small to view on this webpage I put a larger version here, there’s also one with rain and wind speeds on here.
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Popped out with the camera to take a few snow reference images, the Pennines were looking nice with a covering of snow, sadly I didn’t have a sledge to hand.
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The cloud looked ‘interesting’ earlier so I made a quick dash to through the wood for a photograph (okay, this is several photographs stitched together ;-))
Read MoreWatching the weather
The weather has been quite changeable the last few days, well, it’s changed between cold and colder π anyway, I was watching the clouds the other day and popped out to take a particularly impressive band as it rolled over. A couple of days later and the frost was thick on the ground, having just worked a night shift I wasn’t able to take as many photographs as I’d have liked but managed one π
Read MoreThat’s not the North!
With the magic of the interweb you can sign up for all kinds of automatic notifications, one I use quite a bit is the weather warnings from the Met Office. Today I received a weather warning for the North West of England, slightly concerned I visited the website…
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