Wandering Wizard

This painting is something of a departure from what I had intended to paint, but then when you are painting something for a wandering theme a slight departure is to be expected. Anyway, the other day I was sitting reading a few pages of Lord of the Rings – the section where Gandalf leads Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli into Meduseld, and I had a clear idea what I had to paint. It’s strange really, whenever I paint something from Tolkien I want to include all the details I see in…

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Wandering Mind

I’ve been trying to get some ideas together for a painting, I know the basic idea of what I want to achieve at the end, it’s the bits that go into it that are causing the problems. So rather than try and sketch out the full scene I’ve been playing with different elements of it. Naturally this led to my mind wandering and I ended up with a couple of Tolkien related sketches 🙂 First one of the Three-Farthings Stone in the Shire –   Then there was one of…

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