Speeding along

This morning I got my camera gear ready for the ISS pass which I was cleverly notified of via Twitter, gone are the days of trying to work out when objects will be visible in the night sky, I just wait for the tweet 😉 Armed with the relevant information, wrapped in a couple of layers to ward off the cold winds which had developed over night I stepped outside around 0530hrs to get ready. The cloud was fairly high towards the East and was also flitting around the Moon…

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Darker than normal

When I returned home this morning I was a little disappointed, I had intended having spent a while on the way home stopping off at various places for misty morning photographs. Sadly the weather wasn’t really suitable – being thick fog and black ice on the smaller roads. Next to where I park the car there is a small wooded area, the Moon was just descending towards the horizon and had dipped beneath the tree tops, I stood for a while looking at the way the Moon lit the scene…

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Reflected Light

I took some photographs of the Moon yesterday illuminating some mist in the valley, and I found myself thinking about how much the Sun influences our lives. After all the light from the Moon illuminating that mist originated in the Sun, the light itself has a very different property when it’s reflected from the Moon. I’m not talking about the physical make up of the reflected light itself, I’m talking about the way Moonlight gives a distinct magical feel to a scene, especially when you add mist into the mix…

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